Monday, November 10, 2008

10 Facts about me

Well, thanks for Kak Stella and Dania for the homework :)
I'll do it now for you two.

1. Kemaren gua baru dari ultah Meli @ Pizza Hut Gading. Gua cukup terkejut karna ortu gua ngijinin gua kesana, hehe :)

2. Gua abis nonton Quantum Of Solace, dan hasilnya ngga sebagus yang gua harapkan. Ceritanya gua ga ngerti, mana Daniel Craig tambah tua. Masih bagusan Casino Royale jauh lah...

4. STRES! Tes masuk SMA Sanur 4-5 Desember, bayangin dong? Selese ulangan umum jadi ga bisa seneng-seneng malah harus lanjutin blajar buat tes. Bzzzzzt.

5. Udah males buka friendster, udah butut, alay, ngebosenin. Sekarang lebih aktif di facebook hahaha

6. Pengeeeeen banget pergi ke Dubai, liat Hotel The Burj-Al Arab, Jumeira Tower, Palm Islands, semuanyaaaaa...

7. Lagi nungguin album David Archuleta keluar, janjinya sih tanggal 11 it means BESOK jadi I'll wait hehe..

Gila jelek banget dia disini. Gua ampe marah-marah sendiri haha~!

8. Pengeeen banget punya anjing Siberian Husky, apalagi yang masih puppy hehe

9. Nilai mat diambang kehancuran! Gua remed terus, omg gmana dooong
10. Pengen punya tartan warna ijo! Huaaa anybody wants to buy it for me? ehehe

1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts / habits about themselves
3. Blogger that are tagged need to write about their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. You need to choose some people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

1. Caroline
2. Yoshi
3. Frisca
4. Tewe

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