Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#enaknyaikutmb? Banyak!

@astridamelia: #enaknyaikutMB you're a stronger, tougher girl cause you know what it takes to succeed. + memories you'll cherish for years to come @PSUMB

@dayguano untuk hornline, mngkn emm ya ehem bs mnguatkan otot bibir, siapa tau berguna :3 #enaknyaikutMB

@gabriellasd: #enaknyaikutMB hampir semua nilai (metaphorically) dipupuk di sini. true story.

@dayguano: Ikut PSUMB sebenarnya mengajarkan saya soal waktu. Pengorbanan, kesungguhan, ketepatan dan hal besar lainnya. #enaknyaikutMB

@Jojouu #enaknyaikutmb banyak teman! :D

@gabriellasd: #enaknyaikutMB toned muscle. lihat tangan saya sekarang. mbleyeh.

@nirmalanadia @PSUMB #enaknyaikutMB suka duka semua dirasakan bareng2, dari beratnya latihan, sampe puas dan senangnya jadi juara :D

Hari ini anak-anak mb pada nyepam di twitter pake hashtag #enaknyaikutMB. Beberapa tweet diatas hanya sedikit dari banyaak banget tweetnya orang-orang pake hashtag itu. Ya bisa dibilang highlighted tweetsnya hehehe. Jujur gue sampe senyam-senyum sendiri bacanya. Antara seneng, bangga, beberapa ada yang bikin terharu, beberapa becandaan kocak banget, tapi memang sih bisa diakui kalo sebagian besar karakter gue dibentuk disini :) Terimakasih untuk PSUMB. Semoga dengan sisa waktu yang tinggal setahun lagi untuk membesarkan namamu bisa saya jalani dengan baik dan senang :D Amen.

Sangat bangga bisa jadi bagian dari PSUMB :')
Photo credits : Trendmarching.or.id

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jacob Lusk: Man In The Mirror

Jacob Lusk: Man In The Mirror

Anw, this song has a really good message.
If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself then make the change
It's better when you start making the change from yourself instead of asking people to do it first :)

NB : I vote for Jacob Lusk! Go Jacob!
Some memories are too sweet to be left for sleeping


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hollaaaaaaaa new header new header horraaaayyy! :D
Sok sok retro gitu headernya hmmm yaudalah yang penting baru abis bosen sama yang lama

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How I Adore This Woman Very Much

Can't wait to see them marrying :)
Prince William and her beautiful lady Kate Middleton ♥

Monday, April 11, 2011

(Vegetarian) Spaghetti Bolognese lol :p

Yesterday Ardy came to my house. Hey A :D and guess what, we cooked spaghetti bolognese! We were really excited chopping the onion until I forgot to add the beef -_____- but it was still tasty tho :p

We had a great time :D what a lovely daaaay. Come come again and we'll cook another! :)

Portfolio #1

Got nothing to do so I made this vector artwork of Jona Arms (Gugun Blues Shelter). This ones really messy though, cause doing vector is veeeery hard and you'll need a huge of patience.