mom : tuh ada Ronaldonya, berdiri gih disana mama fotoin!
me : ga mauuu malu!
mom : udaaaah cepetan mumpung ex masih sepi nih.
Then I walked to it and acted like a freak because the SPG of Sports Station was looking at me. But thanks mom, finally I took a photo with "Ronaldo on wallpaper". fiuhh.
Then we walked a bit to Sports Station. Then I saw another big picture of Ronaldo inside SS. Geez that was but once again I was ashamed! But ohmygod that pict is so ohmygod. AAAAAAA. And then there was another conversation by me, my mom, and the SPG :
mom : ayo tan, itu lebih keren, foto lagi gih mama fotoin
me : aaaaa maluuu itu kan toko orang masa masuk cuma numpang foto doang
mom : gapapa laah udah ayo!
me : err
(and then the male SPG came to me)
spg : silahkan adek, kalo mau foto sama Ronaldonya
And I was OHMYGOOOOODDDDD THANKS! (lebay padahal foto doang) but trust me it's the coolest I've ever found. And then a minute after it I realized that the reason why the SPG let me to took a photo on it was because I was wearing Cristiano Ronaldo tshirt! Waw superthanks to you, male SPG! And then click... the photo is on :p
What a great day. Even it was only just a picture, but melike it! I still love him even he's not in Manutd anymore.